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Posts tagged as “Direito de marca”

Capricho: um interessante julgado de marcas do STJ

[Pedro Marcos Nunes Barbosa] No dia 21/05/2021 foi publicado julgado monocrático da lavra do ministro Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino, nos autos do Recurso Especial 1.891.973/RJ, no qual contendiam o Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), Abril Marcas e Bebidas Grassi.…

Use of a figurative trademark

by Gert Würtenberger  According to the observations of the author of this contribution, cancellation proceedings in relation to Union trademarks having been registered for more than 5 years are steadily increasing. This is not astonishing bearing in mind that the…

Morality and trademarks: the south american approach

by Pedro Silveira Tavares, Alysa Arcos Ziemer, and Marc John Randazza[1] I. Introduction The Paris Convention and the TRIPS Agreement obligate signatory states to protect trademarks.[2]  Meanwhile, those agreements provide leeway for member states to deny registration if the marks…

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